September 16, 2021 by Eric Weaver

Abandoned Jekyll Island Amphitheater

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Jekyll Island once was and still is a luxurious island in the Golden Isles of Georgia. Full of beautiful beaches, marsh views, wildlife, a historical hotel, and much more. One thing you wouldn’t expect to find is anything abandoned. In the woods of the island you can find what was once an amphitheater used for theater performances and concerts.

Looking up at Abandoned Jekyll Island Amphitheater

The amphitheater was built in 1973 and was used until 2005. There has been a little bit of talk about reconditioning the old amphitheater, but we don’t know when that may be.

Looking down the Abandoned Jekyll Island Amphitheater

If you visit the amphitheater today you can see how nature has taken over and reclaimed a lot of the area.

The amphitheater today

A lot of the railings and seats have fallen. All the wood that is left is rotting away and can be dangerous to walk on.

Looking Down

What was once a attraction to many now brings a new audience to see the ruins of the old amphitheater. Its cool being able to walk around the amphitheater and see a part of Jekyll Island’s history that you usually don’t.