October 25, 2020 by Eric Weaver

Sleeping in a car on Hilton Head Island

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The only plan we had for this trip was to go somewhere new for a night. We made this decision the night before, so to prepare for this trip all we did was go on Google Maps and look for where to sleep and what we can do. The only things we brought were: a dog bed to sleep on, sleeping bags to stay warm, dog food for Cleo, a little bit of clothes, my camera, and my skateboard.We had about a 2 hour drive to get to the island and once we were there the first thing we did was go to the local skate park. While there Cleo started freaking out cause of my skateboard so we didn’t stay long. After the skate park we went to the dog park so Cleo could run off some of her energy. We stayed there until after dark, and just enjoyed the nice weather.

After we left the park we weren’t sure what to do or where to go. We just drove around and ended up finding Christmas lights at a shopping center so we went there to hangout and walk around. We spent probably about an hour there.

Once we were done at the shopping center we were ready to go find somewhere to sleep. We knew there was a Walmart close by so we headed there. We parked near the back of the parking lot and put up a sun shade for a little bit of privacy. We hung out in the back of the car for about an hour or two, we decided to move spots cause there was a lot of traffic going by us so we moved across the parking lot to the side where there were trees. We backed into the woods where there was an opening. It wasn’t really a parking spot but we had more privacy and were more away from people.Sleeping in the car was not easy. I wish we had brought more padding to sleep on, we had one dog bed for the 3 of us. The dog bed helped so much but only half our bodies could fit, so from the waist down we were on the hard floor of the car. If we had brought Cleo’s other bed I think we would have been much more comfortable. It also didn’t help that I’m 6’4 trying to sleep in the back of a Ford Escape with one other person and a dog that likes to spread out when she sleeps. Brooke woke up multiple times through out the night to find Cleo sleeping on top of her head. For me to be able to get somewhat comfortable I had to put a hoodie under my hip so it wasn’t on the hard ground and I had to stick my legs between the driver seat and the door of my car.

The next morning the first thing we did was go get breakfast from Palmetto Bay SunRise Cafe. I got their pancakes and Brooke got some she-crab soup and a burger. After we ate, we went straight over to the dog park so Cleo could stretch out and run off some energy again. While there Cleo made a few friends and played a ton. We spent about an hour to an hour and half at the dog park. She played the entire time. It was a very nice dog park that had lots of room for her and the other dogs to run around. I would highly recommend this park if you are traveling to Hilton Head with a dog (Chaplin Community Park).

Once we were done at the dog park we wanted to go check out the beach so we drove down to Coligny Beach Park. We parked a little ways away so we could walk around see and the area. It was a very nice area with nice big sidewalks for walking Cleo. We didn’t stay at the beach for long cause we were tired at this point from the lack of decent sleep, and I wanted to be able to go to the skate park one more time before we left.

On the way off the island we stopped by the skate park one last time. Since Cleo was acting crazy last time we were here Brooke stayed near the car with her so she would be calm. I was able to skate for a lot longer this time cause Cleo was being entertained. I think that her seeing me on a skateboard freaks her out cause she doesn’t understand it and she is very protective of both Brooke and I.Once I was done at the skate park we all got back in the car and drove the 2 hours back home. Brooke, Cleo, and I all had a great time at Hilton Head and I would love to go back some time, maybe camp there for a couple days during the summer and be able to go into the ocean. I would also be fine with sleeping in the car sometime but just be more prepared when it comes to sleeping comfort.